We are excited to be hosting our second “Create Event” for Restoration Art!
Restoration Art will be providing several handmade art elements to HeartDance Foundation for Christmas!
HeartDance Foundation, led by Dotti Groover-Skipper (Here’s their Facebook Page!)is a faith-based organization dedicated to assist men, women, and children enslaved in addiction, pornography, sex trade, and the labor exploitation of human trafficking.

Each month, HeartDance Foundation visits local strip clubs offering support, encouragement and prayer to those who work there. At Christmas time, Dotti and her team deliver gift bags to the employees in the clubs along with food trays, letting them know that they are cared about and loved! Restoration Art is once again donating our time and talents in the way of beautifully created art elements that will be included in each bag!
This event will be held on Saturday, November 10th from 9:00am – 1:00pm at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in the Annex Building (Modular buildings at the back (west side) of the church. **Here’s the Church Campus Map!**We are in the south-end of the building…..be sure to watch for signs!

Calling all volunteers!! We are in need of more volunteers for this event! All the cards and bookmarks and keychains for this event have been designed and prepped ahead of time. Our volunteers will come together and with the help of designated table leaders, you’ll join with others to assemble everything! No skills are required for this event and there are multiple opportunities available. A passion to help assemble the art elements and support this mission of HeartDance Foundation is all that is needed!
Will you join us? There are several ways to register for this event:
1: Visit our Facebook Page for more information and to register for the event! Restoration Art Create Event
2.) Are you a member of Meetup? You can join our Meetup page and register there! Meetup Registration
3.) Email or call us to register! Email: [email protected] or call is at 813-785-9811

If you can’t attend the event, please pray for each person who is attending! Also, please join with us to pray for the survivors and the organizations that support them!!
Although we have already purchased and prepared all of the necessary supplies, our funds at Restoration Art are low! If you are able to help us by making a donation, please visit our DONATE NOW page for more details!
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!